Scripting Language
- A scripting language is a kind of programming language that is used to automate the execution of operators in a runtime environment.
- Most scripting language are interpreted language.
- Scripting languages generally prefers high level languages.
- It is used to enhance an existing program or automate a specific task.
- A scripting language usually requires fewer lines than programming languages to accomplish a task.
- User Interface design, data types, and graphic design are all greatly aided by scripting languages.
- All scripting languages are programming languages.
Examples include Perl, PHP, JavaScript, etc.
Programming Language
- A programming language is a type of computer language that consists of a set of instructions for communicating with computers.
- Most Programming languages are compiled.
- Traditional programming languages are based on low level languages.
- It is used to create a new program or piece of software from the scratch.
- A programming language generally requires many lines of code to accomplish a particular task.
- User interface design and graphic design are often partially supported by programming languages.
- All programming languages are not scripting languages.
Example include C, C++, Java, Python, etc.